Finally a come back. This is the inception of the story. China’s fast growing trade in Africa sure made a lot of new before it hosted Olympics. The journalist there sure did not like this romance. China is a communist country and it is trading vigorously in Africa securing natural resources. Moreover it is trading with bloody dictator led countries too. Thus the West’s deprive-them-of-all-facilities-if-they-are-not-a-democracy-except-yes-for-china philosophy goes down the drain. Of course any westerner will find it offending. But from then on the way it came in media, it appeared to be always biased. The better side can be found here . The book in discussion in this article however draws a rather rosy picture, Though the author doesn’t ignore the malicious motives of China that actually went to backburner there. Yes, I too agree that China’s interest will sure profit Africa a lot. True, Africa is not poor, people there are. It is poorly managed (- Johnson-Sirleaf). Not letting the...