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Cybercoolies and IT super-power : Myth resolved

Cybercoolies and......
as a preface plz go thru this blog first..
Though it's rude, it's truth.Now things apart.....u can easily think of this.
Why are we given these IT projects, try to it all works?
It's not that difficult. Now Us and many other development countries have a large pool of talent which is gud .
Still companies ther outsource ther project to countries like India.
Reason is the talent they have is costly...... though they have masters of technology among them, they do and will outsource their projects.
Mostly something laborious and hectic is given, to cut the cost their finance department takes the decision over to outsource.
Now their tech guy ther is guru of technology and can do all their project but he will demand a lot of he will just administer and do the key parts and remaining are he is paid less....gud for the company. Then the company outsource to a IT services company in India which counts the money in dollars but a bit less than the guru they have and then it gives the task to it's employess and pays them in INRupees which is much less cheaper. so everyone is happy and makes merry. Now just because of the difference in economy and a huge manpower to exploit we all enjoy it.
Though truth is better we are in a illusion to enjoy. It's just like the movie 'The Matrix'. We are enjoying all this virtually.

But we are making some real profits in mean time, which if we can divert to other sectors for our upliftment we can sustain our profit for longer and can do real gud of this virtual enjoyment.

You can see this profit here. (read bout India in this page)
Now you can see we probably have poorest GDP still we r 27th in business competency and 43 in global competency.
Though we are poor we are fairing well and from previous years our growth rate is greater. Now for us to improve we need to remove these blockades of illiteracy and poverty, which stop technology reaching to them . Once we are able to fight this cause we can improve in each sector and go ahead a real progressive society.
And as for the brain drain we are having internally young ppl gettin into call centers instead of completing their studies. Now we can make positive use of it. Those who are not good in studies or either not interested in it or those who r failures (i mean whom studies dint do any better)they can try these call center line and make a humble leaving instead of roaming on road branded as "Bekaar". Don't u remember the days in 80-90s. don't u think our employment rate has gone up a bit. But the gud talent which is wasted here must focus on their studies in their field of choice and prove themselves useful and profitable to themselves and the society at large.
Even we must look at the jobs in govt. and public sector which is now having deficit in employment to be filled in properly with gud talent.
Don't cry that corruption spoilt it all, but we all can stilll make evrything fine...after all evrything is dependant on us...each one of us.....
Now this is not being diplomatic and giving a slogan....but positively we can work it out. how many think they r goin to be enterprenuer and help in this I think each of u still reading this article have the interst and capability ...but just either u shut ur eyes to see the opportunity or u stilll dint learn to grab one. Or ur jst being pessimistic.
I know I am being a lil bit overtly over-confident and optimistic...evrything might not and will not go this well..But u can atleast be proud of urself and don't cry over issues and fight like a soldier and leave a life with respect for urself.
The above part is important as most of us are associated to work around this IT or related fields. Even I work as a software engineer.
You can't get out of the matrix as it makes ur way of life but u can just help it to be better and help urself in the way.


hey buddy
let me compliment u first on the wel written and researched article
let me make it clr that i am not against the IT ppl and the reason is not bcoz i myself am not working there.
my views wud hav been the same if i were a employee of the company too
though u hav illustrated how both the US and indians gain, i am worried about the Indian side only.
we all kno why the work is outsourced .
I am just trying to tell that the hype generated by the foreign countries about india being a would be superpower is a misnomer.
how much more distance we have to cover to be called a superpower is wat i intended to tell .thats all
an more importently my view is to lure ppl away frm the Mad Rat race thats goin on nowadays
I kno u wrote the article maybe to get one better of me(he he).
the IT field is like slowly but surely killing the R&D and manu sector in our country
it isnt only the not so bright ppl who get into the call centres but i personally kno many capable ppl who are working there.
Shailen said…
Ok Adwait!
I acknowladge again that ur sayings r correct I said the same thing. But added one more perspective to it. Even i confirm the misnomer.
Gauri Khare said…
Actually outsourcing seems good in the Long run to be in the game you have to be a Player you can't be a captain in the long run you master the Trade n Put forth your talents
...US policy has always been of subdiguation of weak ..and the best way to defeat them is to devoid them of their common sense
Let them rely on us the INDIANS...
...In the Long run we will capture the MARKET
Shailen said…
I think what gauri said is very positive...let's jst hope for the best and keep our fingers crossed.

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